Asedio al castilloProtege tu castillo del ataque de tus enemigos, consigue dinero matando a los soldados y podrás comprar elementos que te ayudarán para tu objetivo. Al inicio pincha en 'Información' y descubrirás los secretos del juego.
13-10-22 11:45 |
Türkiye Haberleri |
30-09-22 10:45 |
baş dönmesi halsizlik kilo kaybıkilo kaybı karın spazmı gaz kedilerde kilo kayb? melanom ve kilo kaybıreflü kilo kaybı yaparmı mide bulantısı ve hızlı kilo kaybışeker hastalığı kilo kaybı kas y?k?m?nda kilo kayb? olurmu hepatit b kilo kaybı yaparmıkemoterapi kilo kaybı böbrek tümörü kilo kaybı1 ayda kas kaybı olmadan 10 kilo vermek sebepsiz kilo kayb? nelerin belirtisi nefes darlığı ve kilo kaybıkilo kaybı nedeni nedir kıvrandıran karın ağrısı kilo kaybıistemsiz kilo kaybı nedir diyabet ve kilo kayb? reflü olan bebeklerde kilo kaybı yaparmıkalıcı kilo kaybı için hangi doktora gidilmeli esrar ve kilo kaybıyenidoğan kilo kaybı h?zl? kilo kayb? bas donmesi kusma osteoporoz kilo kaybızaman zaman mide bulantısı çarpıntı iştahsızlık kilo kaybı |
26-09-22 12:16 |
beloved accomplice caucasian attract petticoat watershed |
09-09-14 21:10 |
70 ms is too long. The KaM tick rate is 100ms, so that's almost all of it gone just for this ctilucaalon. If two players moved soldiers at once the game would lag. We could make this calculated less often as villages change slowly, but even so, it would still lag during the ctilucaalon. (so the game would lag every minute or whenever the ctilucaalon is done)Also, try it with 8 players and larger villages and larger maps with more obstacles I don't know how your algorithm works but if it's checking from every building to every other building then the scaling is N^2, so for N total houses, it must do N^2 comparisons which is bad. (100 houses = 100,000 ctilucaalons, and we'd really like to allow 1,000 houses in one game if possible) And each ctilucaalon involves path finding It's a neat program though, I really like the output. I think we can do something like it but more simple (maybe just with storehouse -> storehouse rather than all houses, the result would still be good) [url=]rbgfjo[/url] [link=]pmlcrmtvdp[/link] |
08-09-14 03:40 |
Ok, I've decreased it to 16 ms for a 200d7200 map. I roetwre it in Anonymus (my own language) and I did some other optimizations. This algorithm's performance doesn't depends on the building number. I thought you would only want to calculate it at mission startup. 16 ms maybe long too, but I think we don't need to calculate it for all the squares, every second would be enough, and that would take 2.25 ms with the new prorgam.It's not a complex algorithm. It only paints the squares that are nearby player. And it does this until all squares are painted. |
08-09-14 02:18 |
I see, then yes we could use it. Unfortunately I'm too busy with bug fixes at the moment. If you feel like jinonig the project you could implement it, otherwise we will get to it eventually . I guess it would give better results if it was only calculated at the start of the mission, otherwise you could build towards the enemy in order to be allowed to scout more land and block the enemy in |
06-09-14 05:18 |
Well first you'll need Skype or ICQ to talk to us, then TortiseSVN to use the repository, and Delphi 6/7 or Lazarus.Usually when soemone wants to join we get them to send us the changed files for their first ~5 changes, so we can check your work and fix problems. After that we can add you to the repository and you can commit directly, if we like your code and think you can fit into our team.What did you want to work on? Take a look at our bugs list for ideas (it also has features) Choose something easy to start with so you don't have to learn our entire codebase at once. And obviously you'll have to talk to us about what you're working on to make sure soemone else isn't already doing it, or it will conflict with some other changes we're working on. |
15-07-14 11:11 |
cheverisisisisimo |
23-11-10 11:15 |
alguien sabe ganarlo?. es perfecto este juego |
21-10-10 07:23 |
Este juego me re gusta! |
16-10-10 03:26 |
Hellouu. Este juego me re gusta!! |
13-10-10 18:46 |
Buenass!!! este juego es lo más. |
21-09-10 18:55 |
Este jueguito es tremendo |
20-09-10 04:48 |
Me encanta este juego. |
17-09-10 06:34 |
Holas. Es buenisimo este juego!! |
17-09-10 00:06 |
Es genial este juegazo!! |
16-09-10 15:47 |
estoy enviciado con este jueguito |
15-09-10 20:50 |
pongan mas juegos!!!!!!!!! estos juegazos son los mejores... |
ramona garcia
14-09-10 21:14 |
Asafefasdasd!!!!!!!! este juego es re groso |
13-09-10 19:57 |
Que buen juego. son zarpados los juegos que hay aca!!! |
12-09-10 23:33 |
Me estoy volviendo adicto!! Este juego es lo más |
12-09-10 13:39 |
weaaaaa. Está cabrón este juego |
11-09-10 13:17 |
que vicio ... este juego si me gusta. |
11-09-10 04:03 |
Holazzz ... Me mata este juego |
11-09-10 02:47 |
Este jueguito es increÃble!!!!!!! |
10-09-10 11:33 |
07-09-10 13:11 |
este jueguito es el mejor |
07-09-10 01:02 |
Como se hace para parar de jugar a este juego?!!!!!!! Este jueguito es espectacular!! |
06-09-10 20:31 |
Quiero vivir jugando. los juegos que hay aca son muy adictivos |
06-09-10 13:55 |
Es demasiado facil ... este jueguito es tremendo |
06-09-10 13:42 |
como va?. este jueguito es re adictivo. |
04-08-10 02:01 |
Este juego es muy adictivo |